Museums & Attractions
The Sunshine Coast is home to unique museums and attractions of all kinds. History buffs can walk through a replica mine shaft at the Texada Island Museum or look face-to-face with the shíshálh Nation’s ancestors at an interactive digital exhibit at the tems swiya Museum in Sechelt. At the Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives, visitors can revel in television history with set pieces from The Beachcombers, the longest-running series on Canadian television. Interested in architecture? Powell River’s Townsite is a designated National Historic District that remains remarkably intact, with over 400 original buildings within the borders of the 1910 town plan, including Canada’s longest-running theatre where you can still enjoy popcorn and a movie today.
Connect with our coastal lifestyle by visiting one of our boutique indoor public markets, featuring local merchants with an assortment of food, produce, crafters, and artisans. Roll up your sleeves for the touch tanks to meet marine creatures at a collect-and-release aquarium in Gibsons. And be sure to visit one of our many outdoor attractions, including golf courses, community and botanical gardens, and even a shuttle-accessed mountain bike park.
Coast Blog
Museums to Explore on the Sunshine Coast
Museums on the Sunshine Coast are a prime example of the creative and resilient spirit often found in smaller communities. If…