A close-up of the reddish bark on an arbutus tree.
Destination BC/Andrew Strain


Read on for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) we receive.

What are your funding sources?

SCT operates on a public/private funding model from 3 primary sources: government, stakeholders, and consumers.

Sunshine Coast Tourism leverages the primary funding received from the sources mentioned above with additional funding sources from programs, grants, contracts, and other opportunities.

Questions about our finances? As a non-profit society, transparency and accountability are important to us. If you have further questions about our finances, please contact us at info@sunshinecoastcanada.com.

What is the MRDT and how does it work?

Please see these Frequently Asked Questions about the Municipal & Regional District Tax (MRDT program). For more detailed questions regarding applying the tax, please refer to Bulletin PST 120, Accommodation, and Provincial Sales Tax Notice. For more detailed questions regarding the provincial management of the MRDT program, please visit Destination BC.